The Eco-Friendly Way: Top 10 Tips
Posted by Gemma Dorsett on
It is pretty clear by now that our planet is looking danger square in the eye. Issues such as global warming, air pollution, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more affect every human and animal on our planet. Therefore, we must do more to adopt the principles of eco-friendly living before it is too late. Simple lifestyle changes can and must lead to a healthier population, animal kingdom, eco-system and planet. Recently, there has been greater focus on climate change and its effects on the health of our planet. I don't know about you but I find myself constantly feeling like I am not doing enough. When I see our communal bins filled to the brim on a daily basis..or being reminded about the presence of palm oil in almost 50% of global packed products, I am filled with anxiety over how we have left our beautiful home in such a mess. And it isn’t just the big, obvious stuff either, it is those little moments when you think, “oh it’s only a burger” or “it’s just one cigarette dog-end hitting the deck”..or, “it’s only 1 new cheap shirt” that will be worn a couple of times and then discarded..or, it’s only a “small amount of bleach” glugging down the sink pipe into the water system... These small moments multiplied by billions of people every day across the globe have contributed significantly to a planet getting sicker by the day. We can, however, start making small changes TODAY.
Simple changes for a more planet friendly option.
Green living is based on minimizing waste, limiting the use of Earth’s natural resources and wise use of the environment. The following are the guiding principles which can help make green living a reality. Changing habits isn’t easy but a little bit of knowledge can go a long way.
Whilst the recycling effort has ramped up significantly since the consumer society of the 80s, there is still much to be done. We may still be strongly urging the government and big corporations to do more, we can individually do much more and that really is down to information available. For example, did you know that there are recycling codes on many products that you may have wondered what they mean? Most plastic containers sport a triangle containing a number from 1-7. Each of these numbers has a meaning and represents a level of hazard. Numbers or levels 2,4 and 5 are deemed to be the safest type of plastic. Click here for more information on why it matters to understand these numbers.
Using low carbon transport mechanisms is a good principle of green living. It implies the need to increase green transport services. The best available options include electric trains and cars, walking or cycling. All these options are good alternatives to driving high emission vehicles. During lockdown, we have obviously been restricted and now dying to get back to normal, exploring this amazing planet. However, by choosing to holiday closer to home, even switching out just one holiday, you are reducing your carbon footprint and you never know, you might just discover new adventures on your own doorstep that you may not have considered before!
Not only is organic farming better for the earth, it is better for the health of the farmed animals and our health. According to the Soil Association, organic farming relies on a natural ecosystem to preserve their produce rather than use pesticides, which means the soil is healthier, as is the water system. Making the odd conscious choice to buy organic is a step forward if you haven’t already but there really are no negatives here. Ok, maybe the cost, but if we all start stepping in the direction of green, clean living, it will only become cheaper. Eating organic foods whenever possible is one of the main principles of green living. Buy local. Eat organic.
Reducing the amount of red meat we eat is key to a healthy diet. By switching out 2 or 3 red meat days for a veggie option can have a positive impact on your carbon footprint. You might be thinking about switching out the red meat for seafood. Ensuring your ocean food is sustainable is essential. Industrial fishing is causing huge damage to the ocean's ecosystem by catching trillions of fish each year leaving fish unable to regenerate populations at that pace. Industrial fishing also damages and disrupts the seabed which releases stored carbon.
If you are able to, compost your waste food. When it heads to landfill, the rotting food creates CO2 which in excess has a harmful effect on our atmosphere. Plus, food for compost creates natural fertiliser. Circle of life type stuff!
During COVID, those of us with gardens may have been more inclined to spend quality time in the garden. You may have even started cultivating vegetable patches, laying a lawn or finally changing that crazy paving! It is easy to forget to consider the products we use in our gardens..when we are trying to kill that moss or keep the bugs away from the beautiful roses. Maybe it is time to take the organic approach on our own little plot of earth whether it is a garden or just house plants.
Focus on reducing the waste sent to the landfills. It is essential to buy and consume only products that you really need. The key is quality, not quantity. Try to avoid buying plastic
Reducing our carbon footprint can be massively impacted if we switched our lights off more often, saving energy. Individually we will save a few quid on the electricity bill and who doesn’t love a delicious smelling organic wax candle! Investing in eco-friendly tech will also reduce your energy output
It is super easy and hassle free to switch to a 100% renewable energy supplier! But, beware of greenwashing. Companies can still call themselves green even if they are using fossil fuels, which is a crazy loophole and one that regulators are now put an end to. So, in a nutshell, it is worth searching for a Green Energy Supplier offering 100% renewable energy.
Who has the time to be researching how their money is being invested by their bank? I have been with the same bank since 1996 and I’ll be honest, had never given a thought to its commitment to sustainability and whether it was carbon neutral. One of the most important attributes of Green banking is its commitment to ethical investing. Next time you find yourself on the phone to the bank, ask them about their ethical account plans.
Opt for a more planet and health friendly cleaning product…
Yes I’m talking about True & Bare..well, why not!? True & Bare has been formulated to keep our planet and health as clean as possible. We believe that the best products come from nature itself, and ours are created and manufactured with love in Somerset, England. If you are going to buy cleaning products, isn’t it worth having peace of mind that what you are using on your surfaces, pouring down the toilet and breathing in, isn’t having an adverse affect on you, your family and your planet?
By checking the labels on your products, you can breathe easier knowing you are not contributing to any nasties going into the water and the Earth. The True and Bare formulas are Soil Association friendly and we will proudly be showing off the Soil Association logo in 2022.
It was only until I started looking into eco-friendly living that I started to see the enormity of this topic. Each of these points has a huge backstory and it can feel overwhelming but we have to start somewhere!